Our useful structural technology and materials web links evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists.
A to Z of Materials Free knowledge tool providing information on materials. American National Standards Institution (ANSI) Coordinates the development and use of voluntary consensus standards in the US. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Voluntary standards development organisation. Source for technical standards for materials, products, systems and services. ASM International International society for materials engineers and scientists. British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM) Non profit making scientific, educational and promotional organisation to advance the knowledge of strain measurement, stress analysis and related areas of experimental mechanics. Engineering Integrity Society (EIS) Worldwide membership society offering a forum for industrial engineers to exchange ideas and experience. ESDU (Engineering Science Data Units) Validated engineering design data, methods and software. Search for datasheets or view the abstracts. Full-text datasheets can be viewed in the IMechE library or are available to members for one week postal loan. FESI UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity. Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) International (UK based) professional body. Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) International (UK based) professional body for structural engineering. London Metal Exchange Website of the non-ferrous metals market. Includes market data and information on the LME's educational courses. Material Measurement Laboratory (MML) Properties and data listed by materials property and materials class. Matweb (Free Materials database) Searchable database of material properties. NAFEMS NAFEMS is dedicated to providing independent information on engineering analysis and simulation. NAFEMS Resource Centre and Student Resource Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Professional society of engineers and scientists involved in the validation of new designs and materials. The Welding Institute (TWI) Membership-based company providing industry with engineering solutions in welding, joining and associated technologies. World Metal Index Information service on standards and specifications for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals worldwide. The IMechE library subscribes to this service and can request information on behalf of members.
Aluminium Association US-based membership association. Aluminium Federation Trade association for the UK aluminium industry. Aluminium International Today Complementary website to the printed publication.
Mineral Products Association (MPA) Trade body for the UK's aggregates, cement and concrete industries. MPA: The Cement Industry Website of the Mineral Products Association Cement division. MPA: The Concrete Centre Website of the Mineral Products Association Concrete division.
British Ceramic Confederation UK trade association for the ceramics industry.
Copper Development Association US-based membership body. Copper Development Association (UK branch).
Association for Materials Protection and Performance Association dedicated to protecting people, assets and environment from the effects of corrosion. Corrosion Source Provides technical information related to corrosion. Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering Online journal.
British Glass UK trade association.
American Iron and Steel Institute Membership association. Website provides steel industry and markets information and consumer resources. British Stainless Steel Association Detailed technical database available on all aspects related to stainless steel. World Steel Association Industry membership association. Iron and steel statistics bureau Offers publications and custom reports covering UK, European and Global trade in steel and raw materials. Nickel Institute Detailed technical reports available for free about nickel and nickel containing materials. Steel Times International Breaking news stories and searchable news archive. UK Steel Trade association for the UK steel industry.
British Plastics Federation Trade association for the UK plastic industry. British Plastics and Rubber Online Online monthly magazine for plastics and rubber processors in the UK. British Rubber and Polyurethane Products Association UK trade association. Rubber news Subscription required for full access but includes free information on conferences and a directory and buyers guide.
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