Royal Air Force

If you are serving in the Royal Air Force, or have left the Service within the last 12 months, you may be able to use our simplified SAP route to Professional Registration, otherwise the standard route is also available.

Check the RAF Career Break Points to help you decide which level of professional registration is right for you.

Download the Royal Air Force SAP application form to apply for EngTech, IEng or CEng.

Applicants should be sponsored by a currently registered engineer with the Engineering Council at the same level, or above, the registration category you are applying for. Your sponsor can be registered with any Engineering Council listed engineering institution; they don’t have to be a member of the IMechE. If you are applying for Fellowship your sponsor will also need to be a Fellow of professional engineering institution. Your sponsor cannot be a direct family member.


RAF Fees

Have your fees paid directly by the RAF

Sign up now to have your subscription fees paid directly by the RAF.

Log in to your account and provide your Service Number and permission, and we will do the rest.

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Defence Update

Defence Update

Read the latest Defence Update

Apply for Professional Registration


Transfer your membership to IMechE

CEng, IEng or EngTech registered with the Engineering Council through one of their approved institutions, you can apply through our Armed Forces Existing Registrant process.

Download the Armed Forces Existing Registrant Application Form.

Upgrade your membership

Already professionally registered with IMechE? Rank of Wing Commander or above?
Apply for Fellow membership.

Below the rank of Wg Cdr but believe you meet the criteria? – apply via the traditional route.

Armed Forces: Top Tips for a virtual professional review interview


Get more involved

Volunteer with us, learn with us, connect with other engineers and invite us to your site. Find out more.


Get more support

Lara Mallett - Defence Liaison Officer +44 (0)78 4363 4248

Endorser WO Richy Irwin - Engineering Professions Advisor Team

Endorser Sqn Ldr Rob Fennell 

Endorser Sqn Ldr Bruce Hiscox 

Endorser Sqn Ldr Ash Martin  

Endorser Sqn Ldr David Phelan  

Endorser FS Tony Barnes  

Endorser Sgt Terry Weeks  

Endorser CT Anthony Warner  

Find a volunteer Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) on site.


IMechE signs the Armed Forces Covenant

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has signed the Armed Forces Covenant, the next step in our work supporting Armed Forces engineers and technicians, veterans, and reservists.

Find out more


What our Members Say

The IMechE is a welcoming community of fellow engineers that wants to help guide, educate and challenge you to fulfil your career ambitions. Achieving Professional Registration with the IMechE at any level instantly portrays an image of someone who takes themselves and their career seriously.

FS Chris Hollis, IEng MIMechE

Being a Fellow CEng with the IMechE provides me with credibility and recognition for my previous experience and knowledge. It has also enabled me to be benchmarked against others in the civilian domain – not just based on my rank. Those striving for Fellowship should not think that they are limited by rank, as it’s having the right experience that counts.

Sqn Ldr Chris Newton CEng FIMechE

Professional engineering registration within the armed forces is becoming more important and helps demonstrate not only your commitment but that of the armed forces, through continuing professional development (CPD) and will add to an individual’s career progression. As a recognised qualification, this will enhance any future employment prospects within the civilian engineering sector.

Chf Tech Bob Young IEng MIMechE