Why did you choose to study engineering?
I was motivated to become an engineer by my curiosity about how things work and wanting to solve problems. My father is very mechanically minded and growing up I was exposed to various toys, such as Lego and Meccano sets, which also helped to mould my thinking. I was fond of mathematics and physics at A level, which naturally progressed into pursuing engineering.
Why did you become a member of the Institution?
I am currently an Associate Member of the Institution, but have arranged an interview in New York with a view to becoming a Member and Chartered Engineer. I wanted to show my commitment to engineering and help promote engineering in my region, and saw the Institution as the vehicle which could help me do so. My background as a British university graduate and the promotion of the Institution throughout my course also made it an easy choice.
Why do you volunteer for the Institution?
I am currently the Caribbean Industrial Representative and Secretary of the Pan-Caribbean Group. I believe in adding value to the community, region and world we live in. My philosophy is that we should try and make some impact during our time here on Earth. Volunteering with the Institution helps me give back to the Engineering community and helps inspire young minds to pursue engineering and learn more about this career choice. The rewards are the smiles and thanks received, getting to meet international Institution members and engaging in meaningful discussions.
What are the benefits that professional registration will bring to your career?
Professional registration will demonstrate how serious I am about my career in engineering, which will hopefully foster better relations within my industry.
Would you recommend engineering as a career?
Yes, I would. It is very dynamic, never boring, challenging and a good mix of meetings, discussions and reporting. Engineering is always in demand.
What are your career highlights so far?
Working at Rolls-Royce Aerospace while at university was an eye-opener for me. Seeing the high-tech level of design, manufacturing and development at their various facilities was an invaluable experience. Starting Qualitech CNC Manufacturing Solutions Limited has been a great achievement, from procuring machines and equipment, training and setting them up, to teaching technicians and engineers how to use them.
Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
Married with a few kids, and helping to expand our current business into new market segments. Maybe I'll start another business of my own, or explore establishing operations in different countries.
What's the greatest challenge facing engineering as a profession?
The protection of the title 'Engineer'.
Who inspires you?
My father. He has guided and advised me throughout my career. He is a source of positive inspiration, is very hard working, and is filled with morals and values. He is a family man and has sacrificed greatly throughout his life to provide the best for his family.
Any advice for young students thinking about engineering as a career?
Do it only if you love it. If you enjoy solving problems and have a genuine curiosity for understanding how things work and making them better, then do it.